Corporate tax compliance and advisory services

  • Technical support on compliance with the Indian Tax legislations (Income Tax Act, Income Tax Rules, GST, and erstwhile Service Tax regulations, etc.), both at transaction level compliance and filing of regular returns
  • Analysis and evaluation of agreements (e.g. license, royalty, technical service, cost sharing agreements, distributor agreements, share transfer agreements etc.) as far as various tax liabilities are concerned
  • Technical support and consultancy on responding to the official letters of information request, and tax demands, interest and penalty notices received from the Tax Authorities
  • Analysis and evaluation of taxation risks associated with various financing policies
  • Technical support in applications to the Tax Administration to request Advance Rulings on taxation applications which require clarification
  • Consultancy on with-holding taxes to be applied by Indian companies and offices with respect to services received, intangible rights purchased from non-resident companies

International tax advisory services

Applications of double tax treaties

  • Analysis of the operations constituting “Permanent Establishment” for tax purposes
  • Taxation of dividends paid to non-resident shareholders
  • Taxation of the payments in return for intangible rights (license, know-how, royalty etc.)
  • Taxation of the payments made by Indian companies and offices to non-residents in return for performance of certain services
  • Analysis of methods of elimination of double taxation (exemption, credit methods) as well as the procedures to be followed to eliminate double taxation (mutual agreement procedure, exchange of information etc.) for various cases
  • Technical support and consultancy on withholding tax refund requests within the framework of the relevant provisions of the Double Tax Treaties

Transfer pricing analysis

  • Analysis of operations between related parties
  • Comparison of prices applied between related and unrelated parties
  • Providing suggestions on applications within the framework of the relevant rules of the local legislation as well as the relevant provisions of the Double Tax Treaties

International tax planning

  • Technical support and consultancy on determination of the most tax-efficient investment models
  • Consultancy on international tax planning for investments planned by multinational enterprises

Other international taxation applications

  • Taxation aspects of cross-border financial leasing transactions
  • Analysis of international movement of capital, securities and goods from the points of view of taxation as well as other fiscal liabilities (legislation governing foreign currency and investment, Foreign Trade Legislation etc.)
  • Operations in Indian Free Trade Zones
  • Technical support and consultancy on determination of the most tax efficient model of investment and operation for project companies with foreign capital that plan to invest in large public projects, within the framework of the local legislation as well as the relevant provisions of Double Tax Treaties

Tax Planning

  • Consultancy to ensure the most efficient use of  and benefit from tax exemptions and incentives governed by the Tax legislation
  • Technical support and consultancy on determination of the most tax efficient model for companies considering the specific circumstances of the company
  • Technical support and consultancy on strategic tax planning for multinational enterprises
  • Consultancy on restructuring/reorganization for tax purposes
  • Tax planning for individuals and sole proprietors

Consultancy on Indian legislation governing foreign exchange, foreign trade, incentives and foreign direct investments

  • Consultancy on legislation governing foreign exchange transactions
  • Consultancy on operations and applications within the framework of Foreign Direct Investment regulations
  • Taxation aspects of “invisible transactions”
  • Consultancy on Incentive Legislation (investment allowance, duty exemption and refunds etc.)
  • Tax liabilities in foreign trade transactions
  • Other tax incentives